
GX Vision on the Internet as ASP

GX Vision, the first GeneXus application to migrate to the new C# language will reach the small cable operators with the new version for the Internet that will allow it commercializing the system as an Application Server Provider.

GX Vision, -the integral television system for class A subscribers developed in GeneXus – continues incorporating the technology’s last tendencies, now with the new Microsoft C# language, and it will open a new stage this year with the version for the Internet that will allow it providing its services to the small cable operators as an Application Server Provider (ASP).

’It will be another version that will probably change the way of commercializing it and will probably allow us reach another type of clients, the small operators. We are planning to commercialize GX Vision as an ASP in the future. We are going to install a web server for the clients that have 2000 or 3000 subscribers to be able to access the system with only having one line to the Internet, without the need to have a computing center’ Michel Bonet, director of GXVision, explained.

Until now, GX Vision’s client server version gave the cable operator that provides television for subscribers in several cities two options: the installation of a server and lines of communication with the cities where he operates (with remote client server access) or the installation of a server and GX Vision licenses in each of the cities.

’We need to develop a Web version because there are clients that need it and because we want to provide a service like ASP to be able to reach the smallest operators’, Bonet outlined.

The first GX Vision version was developed with GeneXus 3.3. It was born in FoxPro for DOS. Then, it migrated to Windows. It was the first client-server application in Uruguay; the first one to incorporate a Data Warehouse module and, today, it counts on a module for the Internet. Following the line of the technological vanguard, GX Vision is today working on the version for the C# language. ‘GX Vision has always been with the last technology’, Bonet explained.

In a very dynamic business such as the TV for subscribers, it is necessary to promote new commercial strategies constantly, to incorporate new services or technologies and to reach a high level of client’s assistance. The market itself obliges the system’s technological evolution, Bonet outlined. ‘When GX Vision started there was only cable. Today, it also supports modem cable, video on demand, pay per view and, soon, IP telephony’, he said.

GX Vision was born from a GeneXus Consulting project for Equital in Uruguay -from 1994 to 1996- and since 1999 it acts as an independent enterprise, and ARTech is one of its main shareholders. Today, it has installations in 46 different cities of Uruguay (Equital) and Venezuela (Cabletel and Intercable), which assist one million and a half subscribers.

GX Vision is divided in two great modules that cover the commercial and residential management, and the design and execution of the network laying. Apart from that, it counts on a Data Warehouse that covers the commercial and residential areas as well as an Internet module divided in two areas: one oriented to the operator (GX Vision Intranet that allows the execution of the business’ most important features through a navigator) and another one oriented to the final user (GX Vision WWW, the dynamic portal of the Internet operator that allows providing the subscriber auto-management services, information on the programs, news, etc.).

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