
New Business Objects

The Download Center incorporated three new business objects for applications on the Internet: Security, Forums, and Banners' Server as well as business object SampleMall's updating to GeneXus version 7.0

The SampleMall is an example of a virtual shopping mall's design using Web Panels with GeneXus, which provides the objects needed to define the products, clients, orders, etc.

It has Web Panels in order to perform the whole purchase process, as well as some of the commonest features of this type of applications: shopping basket, quick purchases, addresses' list to send the orders, purchase in several steps. It also provides a security module to validate the users.

In order to define the security on the Internet applications using cookies we now provide the security business object. It uses temporal cookies to avoid that every user that registers on the site from the same computer uses the same information of connection.

The security control is implemented by using a cookie called security that concatenates (separated by a comma) a serial number from each new user as well as a number of this user's session generated at random.

Apart from that we use a table, called security, where we store, for each user, the number generated at random for his session as well as the date and the time of the last active section.

The cookie is recorded when the user registers in the site for the first time

(ENTERWEBUSR) and every time he registers (LOGIN event of all the site's web panels). Then, all the site's web panels perform the security control by reading the cookie and comparing the values obtained with the values stored in the SECURITY table.

In order to include the management that is typical of banners' campaigns in the GeneXus Internet applications, we released a business object that includes three components: a banners' server, campaigns' management and campaigns' follow-up.

The banners' server is the mechanism that allows printing the banners intelligently and registers the clicks before re-directing to the target URL. It is implemented by using Web Procs (GeneXus procedures with the call protocol property in ‘http’).

The campaigns' management module is directed to the marketing manager or site's manager and it allows him performing Back office tasks for Internet publicity campaigns' management.

Finally, the announcer counts on the campaigns' follow-up module, a Web application that allows seeing the evolution of the contracted campaign through printing and clicks' charts.

The forums on the Web allow creating a community; this is to say a group of people that share interests, purposes and goals. The forums or mail lists are a very simple mechanism to use, because the ones that participate do not have to learn a new interface (assuming that they all read electronic mail) and they do not have to configure anything in particular to be a part in a conversation, either.

If you want to get more information or you wish to download the business objects, please refer to:,31,0,14,1,M

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