| | | Summary of the second day of the XVIII GeneXus Meeting |
| 25September/2008 |
The excitement continued to increase during the second day of the XVIII GeneXus International Meeting, which gathered 3,200 people. |
For September 23, the range of activities –in addition to the news related to GeneXus X, the solution panel brought by K2B and Artech Partners and labs, among others– included renowned Keynoters who represented Google, Microsoft, Plan CEIBAL, IBM and Oracle, all of which can be viewed at the Meeting's website (www.genexus.com/meeting/program).
Karina Santo, Founding Partner and Director of GeneXus Consulting, talked about an innovative subject in relation to her experience with semantic models. She explained how and why the construction of these models is an unresolved issue worldwide and how making applications "understand" will reduce costs during construction as well as in production and development maintenance. GeneXus X, she concluded, opens the opportunity to work in that area.
The possibilities offered by User Controls in GeneXus X were addressed in an enjoyable "20/25," where attendees had the chance to ask questions. In addition, there was an introduction to the features of the next GeneXus version, called "Cardal." The GeneXus Server product was thoroughly discussed as were the main features of GeneXus X Evolution 1, such as the addition of generators that go beyond the Web environment, the integration of teamwork supported by GeneXus Server and the inclusion of Profile and Debug (tools that help to detect errors, improving the efficiency and performance of the development work); its CTP is available for download at www.genexus.com/evolution1.
The GeneXus X IDE also had its own space, as various practical examples were used to show the advantages of the development environment regarding the integration of knowledge thanks to new features that enhance productivity. Other benefits presented were those related to the integration of technology within the development environment; for example, the integration of Reporting through the Query Object or GXflow within the KB.
The large –and most useful– amount of information that is being generated in this Meeting will be further expanded in the next issues of GeneXus News.
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