
Support through the Web on .NET

De Larrobla & Asociados provides support to more than 230 Bantotal users currently spread throughout 35 financial institutions in Latin America. This is possible through a Web application developed with GeneXus on the .NET platform.

Bantotal, banking software for handling all the operations of financial institutions, has been developed with GeneXus and commercialized in all Latin America since 1991.
In order to provide support to its clients, De Larrobla & Asociados has implemented a system that allows Bantotal users to enter their queries and receive solutions through the Web in banks throughout Latin America.
Joel Genolet, De Larrobla & Asociados Operations Director commented that during the eight months in which the application generated for the .NET platform -C# language- has been in production, the experience has been positive. "Maintenance is easy, practical, and this system is faster than the previous one," he said.

The implementation of the support through the Web had been carried out a year earlier with the application that had been generated partly with GeneXus in C/SQL, and partly manually.
Genolet also explained that the system not only brought about a significant plunge in phone-related costs, but also improved service. Once the query is entered, it goes through a series of statuses (entering, analysis, solution, etc.) until it is solved and registered in the Web, under the system's history.

Finally, Genolet announced that there were two factors that led the company to decide on a migration of the product into the C# language, a task on which they are currently embarked. On the one hand there was the need to dispose of the product in HTML for handling foreign-trade bank operations (Comex), and on the other hand, there was the positive experience that De Larrobla & Asociados had had with the GeneXus .NET generator.

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