
Version 2.1 of GXChart already on line

GXChart, ARTech's chart-server which launched in September 2000 now offers a new version that enables users to make charts through SOAP calls. From November of last year to January, GXChart completed more than 15,000 charts.

GXChart, an on-line service to create charts, uses a given set of data to design charts that can be displayed in any Web page. It is offered as a free web-service (, and is available for all users, who can also download it and install it in their own servers for public use. This is the way Concepto (, and SpecialHosting ( are offering the service.

The first version of GXChart appeared on line on September 2000. In May of 2001, version 2.0 was released. This version provided support for 3D charts, and also improved the capacity for combining data. The new 2.1 version has improved the internal functioning and operates as a Web Service, thus allowing for the generation of charts through SOAP calls.
ARTech has registered this service in the Web-Services repository This means that a new set of users will start using the service. The first hits to GXChart started being audited at the beginning of November. Two months later, it had been accessed by people from all five continents, which resulted in 15 thousand served charts. Latin America - mainly Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Peru - is one of the main locations from which GXChart services have been accessed ( There have also been hits from Honduras, United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Denmark, Germany, and even from Jordan, and French Polynesia.

Some of the companies using this product are PaullierOnLine, Conaprole, Concepto (Customs National Office, COUSA, Molinos San José, and SAMMEL) Espacio Interactivo, and GXVision.

Although these are only some examples of how GXChart is being used, many other applications are actually working with it, for instance, a gastronomic German page,, which currently displays charts designed by
ARTech's Web-service GXChart.

GXChart: chart server on the Internet.
GXChart supports 3D charts
GXChart in mobile application