#GX26 Dream Digital: a dream come true!
The 26th GeneXus Meeting will take place next September 26 through 28 in Montevideo under the motto “Dream Digital!” This concept aims at finding motivation in the latest GeneXus solutions and experiencing a shared transformation to face an increasingly technological world.

The Dream Digital GX26 Meeting that everyone is looking forward to will welcome over 3,500 attendants from all parts of the world to carry out some 150 different activities next September 26 through 28. Free subscriptions are available at genexus.com/encuentro.
Why “Dream Digital”? Dreaming implies diving into a space where we can think of the unthinkable and where we can only arrive thanks to our imagination. This dreaming relates to transformation that enables us to represent, in our mind, all the potential that reality has to offer. The Dream Digital invitation is then an opportunity for us to share big dreams of the possibilities we have in technology.
The release of GeneXus 15 is the core concept of GX26 Dream Digital. The new GeneXus version that will be introduced during the Meeting represents a qualitative leap towards software development that is 100% user-oriented and integrated with the technological components that today comprise the so-called digital world, that is: Cognitive Services, IOT, Cloud, Big Data.
Free regional event
This regional event, where attendants are welcome to be part at the Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel, free of charge, is planned for an audience of approximately 3,500 people from a variety of countries. Participants are invited to interchange ideas, and learn about and share experiences in the field of software. Through networking, it will be possible to share regional experiences relative to the business world and global technology trends. In addition to enjoying and benefitting from over 150 free activities, participants will be able to attend workshops and interactive sessions on the latest trends in technology, entrepreneurship, management and other topics of interest. Conferences will deal with subjects referred to the integration of the technology comprised in the digital revolution, with a number of presentations relative to GeneXus 15 and its scope, as well as the work of different clients who are already embarked in very innovative projects. As usual, the conferences will cover the best practices of system development, integration and modernization, along with the migration of applications, productivity tools, and security and testing, among other topics. We will share experiences regarding the IoT (Internet of Things), development of wearables, sensors, Big Data, ERPs, the Cloud, interface design and numerous success cases from the industry. Are you ready for a Digital Meeting?