
InfoModulus develops sales force mobile system with online and offline capabilities using GeneXus

The company offering consulting and software development services for industries has two systems: one for industries and the other for sales forces. In this case, we introduce a solution developed to meet the needs of Dequêch, a food distribution company.

The evolution of technology has enabled many companies to incorporate smart devices into their day-to-day business operations. In this context, InfoModulus – a company that offers consulting and development services in the field of systems for industries – has developed a mobile solution with online and offline capabilities to automate the sales force of one of its customers, Distribuidora de Alimentos Dequêch. At present, the system has 120 users.
“With the availability of new hardware, our client needed a solution that could run on tablets; this system has been entirely developed with GeneXus X Ev 2 and is fully web based. However, since lack of connectivity is an issue, we’ve migrated the KB to GeneXus Tilo and succeeded in making the online system capable of running offline as well”, says Brunch. In addition, he highlights that even when an Internet connection is not available, “the system continues to operate normally, sending the data when the connection is restored, without any user intervention”.

The solution’s key features are its web backend that can be accessed by the administrator from any browser; mobile application controls; phone chip controls; low bandwidth consumption; order status notifications sent to users; and encoded data sent between backend and clients, among others. Another outstanding feature of this solution is that it can be used by companies from various sectors.
In addition, the solution is available for several operating systems. At first, the software could only run on Windows Mobile, but support for Android has recently been added.  “We reused the same web services that had already been developed, and only some adjustments were necessary. The next step will be to add support for iOS and Windows 8”, commented Brunch.
Established in 2004, InfoModulus has adopted GeneXus for its development projects. At present, the company has two main systems: InfoModulus CI, a cost management solution designed for industries; and InfoModulus FV, for the automation of sales forces. Mr. Brunch also explains the reasons for choosing GeneXus: “Development simplicity and speed, support for several DMBS and for the most popular programming languages were the advantages we found when developing with GeneXus”, explains InfoModulus’ Director, Fabio Richard Brunch.
About InfoModulus

Founded in 2004, InfoModulus offers software consulting and development services in the field of cost management and sales price formation for industries.