The Importance of Design Systems
For years, the software industry has focused on code development, application deployment and evolution. However, the digital era has brought complexities that can only be solved with Design Systems focused on user experience. We can help you deliver software solutions with optimal and sophisticated designs.
What is a Design System?
A Design System is the set of principles (clarity, efficiency, consistency, and aesthetics), patterns (typography, colors, spaces, style guide, component libraries, interaction patterns) and practices (user guides, processes and tools to design and implement the system), oriented to build a digital product so that it has coherence, uniformity and robustness. Their use promotes integration between designers and developers.
Design Systems are not universal. Although they share consensus, they are defined for each product or family of digital products. They also depend on the tools that the platform or, software tool on which the application runs, may have.
Why is a Design System important?
Applying a Design System in a solution, either simple or complex, facilitates:
  • The automation and efficiency of the processes required to create a digital product. This includes design, implementation, evolution and scalability.
  • Reduction of production effort and costs.
  • Consistency of interfaces, allowing the user to be clear about what to do, and how to do it.
Why is it so difficult to have well-designed software?
Many companies do not update or evolve the design of their applications because of:
  • Fear of the operational risks that changes in their systems may generate.
  • The research costs that the structural projection of this design may imply.
  • Having obsolete systems that are incompatible with new technologies.
  • Lack of professionals with experience in DevOps and DesignOps processes. This can cause decisions to be made without taking the design into account, increasing friction in the work process.
Recommendations to achieve well-designed solutions
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✔ Operationalize the design by implementing DesignOps practices.

✔ Encourage fluid dialogue between designers, frontend specialists and developers in order to reach a common agreement regarding the aspects that will have an impact on the development and maintainability of the system.

✔ Diversify the profiles and roles of the team.
✔ Motivate people to use the appropriate work tools.

✔ To have professionals who know in depth the design tools, as well as the platforms where the application will be executed.

✔ Create structured designs, which are thought in the system, that is to say, based on Design Systems or components.
GeneXus, the best option to generate software with good design!
Today's applications must be able to integrate quickly and easily with any technology. And this is one of the guarantees offered by GeneXus: to provide eternal youth to the code.

The Low-Code Software Development Platform uses the power of Artificial Intelligence to respond quickly to changes, simplifying the creation, evolution and maintenance of software solutions, in any environment.
With GeneXus you will be able to:
  • Create a Total Experience and tailor it to what you want.
  • Create experiences consistent with the Unanimo Design System.
  • Import and export designs from Figma.
  • Model Design Systems and customize your designs to your liking.
  • Use Design Systems from K2BTools and WorkWithPlus.
Everything you need to know about Design Systems.
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Watch these videos.
How AI is Revolutionizing the Development and Design Cycle in GeneXus
Cecilia Passalacqua
Nicolas Artola
Silvina Cortés
Discover new advanced plugins for Figma: GeneXus Design Assistant and GeneXus Prototyper
Maximiliano Barnech - Silvina Cortés
Mauro Canzani - Damián Salvia
Cecilia Passalacqua
GeneXus Frontend Development: First Steps
Cecilia Passalacqua
Cecilia Fernández
Everything you need to know about Design Systems.
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Watch these videos.
Total Experience with GeneXus 18
Mauro Canziani
Federico Salomón
Unanimo Design System: Vision, Capabilities & Customization
Eugenio García
Fabian Bonilla
AMA: Unanimo Design System
Mauro Canzani
Eugenio García
Modeling UI & Design Systems with GeneXus 18
Martin Torrado
How to integrate a Design Team with GeneXus 18
Cecilia Passalacqua
Mauro Canziani
K2BTools with GeneXus 18
Federico Dominioni
Marie-France Bourgeois
WorkWithPlus with GeneXus 18
Sofia Maiolo
Joaquín Álvarez
The Power of Design
Javier Verdura
DesignOps Strategies: From Design to Code the GeneXus Way
Mauro Canzani
Gabriel Simonet
Amplify Design Value and Impact at Scale with DesignOps
Damián Salvia
Mauro Canzani
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How to generate software with good design?
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