Build a bridge between enterprise data and business users
Turn raw data into useful information with GenAI.
With more than 9,000 companies in 50 countries, GeneXus helps customers manage, simplify and secure their enterprises with open, standards-based software.
Explore, create, and govern
Management Console
Centralize the access and management of all capabilities (access control, projects, etc.) in a single web interface.
Build quick apps with no code and test the capabilities of different assistants.
Compliance and Responsible AI
Rely on a TRiSM layer responsible for ensuring trust and compliance, protecting sensitive information, and providing reliability and security.
Support multiple versions of a single assistant, each with different LLM providers, prompts, and settings.
Visualize costs and set usage limits for each project.
Data integrations
Ingest internal or external data to be used by the assistant (documents, images, text data).
Link label text
Gain observability over cost management, usage, and health system status.
Link label text
How can we help?