Super Apps & Mini Apps
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Super Apps & Mini Apps with GeneXus 18
With GeneXus you can take a technological leap to turn your application into a true service platform.
Everything about Super Apps
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What's the difference between Super Apps, Mini Apps and Mini-Programs?
Jaime González Presto
How does a Super App work and why are they shaping the future?
Pablo Mazzilli
Introducing the WeChat Mini-Programs Low-Code Generator
Luciano Silvera
Super Apps & Mini Apps with GeneXus 18
Pablo Mazzilli
K2BTools with GeneXus 18
Federico Dominioni
WorkWithPlus with GeneXus 18
Sofia Maiolo
Joaquín Álvarez
Webinars and Ask me Anything
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AMA: Super Apps, Mini Apps & Mini-programs with GeneXus
Thursday, October 20
14.00 hrs. (UTC -3)
Super Apps
The Complete Guide
Would you like to turn your iOS or Android app into a Super App or create one from scratch?
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