919 GeneXus Certifications! #GeneXusTheBestOf2014

Almost a thousand GeneXus certifications issued in more than 10 countries across 3 continents show a promising picture: There are more and more of us who choose GeneXus to grow professionally and business-wise!
We arrive at the end of 2014 with many new certifications for GeneXus, GXflow and GXtest analysts.

GeneXus Certifications are on the rise every year and have expanded to several countries. Since 2010 to date, the number of new technical certifications has tripled, including in countries such as China.

Visit where you will find all the GeneXus courses available online to browse, learn and get certified.

Upgrades for Java, .NET and Dev. Env. of GeneXus 8.0
How Do Users Navigate Your Portal?
ForumSR: web query to the GeneXus forums is already available
Visual Basic 9.0 Generator released
GxTend present at SODEC Expo's 15th edition in Tokyo
Accendo releases GxTend VT
GeneXus Rocha: a step forward
Collaborative Projects
Applications generated with GeneXus 9.0 and GXportal ABOVE Tested
New GXportal sites
Spotting Customers’ Needs
A tool that set tongues wagging
We care about your opinion!
The new GXflow 8.5 keystones
GeneXus Ajax in the new EC2 of Amazon