
ARTech in Seattle

ARTech engineers participated in a Microsoft laboratory in Redmond-WA, together with .NET's development team and in an architectural review where the technical aspects in relation with C# generator for .NET were analyzed.

According to an important development agreement celebrated between Microsoft and
ARTech, ARTech's Vice president, engineer Nicolás Jodal, and the engineers Andrés Aguiar and Alejandro Silva, of ARTech's development team, traveled to Microsoft's central office in Seattle to revise the architecture of the applications generated by GeneXus for the language C#.
As a base for the revision they took the first application (GXVision) that is being taken to the new platform and is being converted to C#, as a test. There are more than a thousand programs and 250 GXVision tables converted to the new Microsoft language. There are more than a million code lines generated by GeneXus in C#. Because of that, GXVision is today one of the largest commercial applications in the world, inside the universe of the new language, C#. 'We have taken a very important step for the support of Microsoft's .NET platform and the new emerging standards (XML, SOAP)', Jodal said.
GeneXus clients will be able to develop applications for this .NET platform or to convert their present applications easily, ARTech's vice president announced.
ARTech is now among the 20 important enterprises that have celebrated a development agreement with Microsoft regarding .NET platform.
'The participation of Uruguayan software architects in this type of activities organized by a corporation like Microsoft means two great things', Wilson País, manager of Microsoft Uruguay's business partners explained: 'that Uruguay -and ARTech in particular- may reach the major leagues, as well as Microsoft's acknowledgement and support to the local software industry with ARTech invited as peers to work in one of the most important projects in the software industry at world level', he declared.

The next platform: .NET
GX Vision on the Internet as ASP
GeneXus two years from now
GXVision .NET : Anticipating the future
ARTech releases two important betas for Microsoft .NET
GeneXus at the Microsoft Tech Ed 2001
Another successful GeneXus application for .NET
GeneXus and Microsoft.NET
Microsoft launched VisualStudio.NET at the GeneXus Meeting
GeneXus accepts the challenge
Beta 2 of C# generator released
New GeneXus version
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VISA information on-line with GeneXus
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