Closing of GX24: GeneXus Meeting closes with announcements to the international IT industry

What remains from the 24th GeneXus Meeting –held in Montevideo from September 29th to October 1st- is a lot of enthusiasm. It surpassed last year’s version in the scope of activities and conferences offered, which amounted to approximately 170, and also in the number of expected attendants. Over 4,000 participants were took part of this 3-day event, including people from 30 countries, both in person and with virtual presence.
The event’s edition called “Recipes for successful development” included a number of experts and referential names who explained the main trends of the technology industry today and commented on the possibilities of achieving the best technological development to fulfill each need of the market or in society in general.
During the three days of the Meeting, attendants had the chance to share conferences referring to business, design, networking, recipes for the successful development of applications and customized coaching sessions relative to ideas for applications, in addition to training workshops. Videos of most conferences are already available at the GX24 site
 The Cloud, Big Data, and Wearable Devices and Sensors played the leading roles at the event
Among the most important announcements made, one relates to the Cloud’s consolidation in the global software sector. This included the release of, a site including all the possibilities of the "Deploy on the cloud" functionality to make application prototyping a lot easier by simplifying the development cycle. An announcement in line with this made at the event is a new functionality called “F6” –based on its precedent F5 / Click to cloud to prototype-, which allows deploying the application to a production server with just one click, where GeneXus provides the service in association with the cloud market’s main players such as Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Montevideo COMM - Red Hat, etc.

“The idea is to be presented with the options available when doing a deploy to production, to contract, directly from the IDE, the option most adequate to our needs. This is a started along a line of work aimed at aiding developers in the instance of rollout, to ensure quality in their developments,” expressed GeneXus International’s CEO Nicolás Jodal.

Upon closing the 24th GeneXus Meeting, CEO Nicolás Jodal, in addition to launching this new site for software developers, presented some innovative enterprises that have been prepared lately. He also mentioned  the agreement with IBM to use Softlayer, the recent certification of SAP with GeneXus ERP Connector and Explorer, apart from presenting a preview of some features to be included in the upcoming version of GeneXus*.

Jodal commented on the technological change starting with the following question taken from a book by Peter Thiel: “What important truth do very few people agree with you on?” He mentioned the increasingly significant central role of applications in all respects, indicating that this is a very good moment for intra-company or institutional applications, because, as it was the case years ago, all companies and organizations have come to realize the fundamental need to have a website in order to be considered.

By the end of his closing speech, Jodal predicted the next leap forward, which will necessarily relate to wearable devices (such as smart watch), the increasing number of household sensors, and the use of beacons or proximity sensors that are become more popular all around.  “Let’s hope for them to be all over, but on the outside, and not inside our bodies!” he claimed with a humorous note, as he referred to the unstoppable progress of technology throughout the world. This, in relation to Big Data and the Internet of things will cause the relevant significance of integrating and viewing the data generated. And GeneXus is already working in this direction, as it prepares its new Salto version, which will be empowered with a functionality known as “live editing”.

The perfect high note of the #GX24’s closing was Jodal’s answer to the question by the theorist of entrepreneurship Peter Thiel: “More important than understanding technology is to understand what users claim for. That is the value of a community.”