cp 2.0

CP2.0 Interview: Hijos de Ator

Rodrigo Álvarez of Artech gives us more information about his videogame. How was it created, and what is it about? He also invites anyone who wants to participate in the project to join.

- What can you tell us about this project, Hijos de Ator – the game?

- It’s an interesting story... Some three years ago, at the GeneXus Meeting, I gave a presentation in which I explored applications that were “different” from the ones usually found in the GeneXus ecosystem, applications that are now very successful. I focused specifically on a game called Hattrick, which is a football manager game. Its owners are doing very well, and I thought “we can do this with GeneXus”. A year later I proved it was possible with “Hijos de Ator”, a fantasy game that was simply a Web application built with GeneXus. I learned a lot about it, and I've always wanted to put that knowledge into an improved version of the game. That’s how the idea of “Hijos de Ator 2.0” was born.

- Why do you think participating in CP 2.0 is a good opportunity?

- Talking with people from the community, I realized two things: that many heads are better than one, and that there are a lot of people who are interested in this topic and would like to help me. So, anyone who wants to participate in this project will be welcome.

- What are, in your opinion, the challenges to be addressed in your project?

- This project intends to "open up our minds" and help us do things that we're not used to doing.

- What are your expectations with respect to CP 2.0?

- I’ll be satisfied if the game is put into production and people like it and use it. In that sense, CP seems to be the ideal launching platform.

Interview: Collaborative Projects 2.0
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