A small company leaded by Steve Smith and the Prusky
brothers, together with Digital Touch, their partner in Mexico, began offering
GXportal services to a multinational music company, EMI Music, and today
provides solutions to the complete dynamics of digital marketing of all the
multinational's marketing departments in Latin America. What was their strategy?
"Results, understand their needs and provide solutions", Diego Prusky explained.
"The key was understanding what they sell and how they sell it, and music is
sold through marketing", he added.
Diego Prusky is a chemical engineer, one of the first
self-taught GeneXus programmers who today manages In-Style DM, the company that
provides Digital Marketing solutions and services for the entertainment
In-Style DM emerged as a new division of In-Style
Software, which was created as an IT services company. Today, In-Style DM is a
complete outsourcing service which offers hosting services, video streaming,
graphic design, promotion management solutions, mass e-mail administration and
everything related to digital marketing. "This new area of the company works
through the 'In-Style Web Factory' which operates in Uruguay and is managed from
the United States and Mexico", mentioned Ricardo Ramos, manager of Digital Touch
SA de CV, and partner of In-Style.
Web Factory works with EMI Latin America region and since
it started managing the EMI Web two years ago, it has validated its success in
the service with great numbers: in 2004 the sites received a million visits, in
2005 they received 9 million visits and this year they expect to receive 30
million visits. "This is the result of combining eight years of experience in
GeneXus technology in the EMI business" Prusky commented.
The EMI Latin America's solution has brought the attention
of EMI North America and EMI UK, not only for its success but also for their
quick solutions and competitive costs.
In-Style DM (http://www.instyledm.com) provides Digital Marketing solutions and services for the
entertainment industry.
Contact person: dprusky@instylesoft.com