
GeneXus 7.5 in action

Consultoría de Sistemas, a company carrying out tailor-made developments with GeneXus in network environments, has redesigned the Internet site of by using the last version of GeneXus. requested a change of appearance and layout of its site from Consultoría de Sistemas, (, who redesigned the E-commerXe knowledge base by using webcomponents incorporated by the GeneXus 7.5 version, and generated the Internet site of with the new C# generator - which has this version.
The use of Web Components enabled reutilization of functionalities such as including a log-in in all the Web site pages of SIO on the Internet. "This reduced the size of the knowledge base (KB), eliminated doubled code, and as a result, maintenance and modification of the KB is now easier",
Martín de los Heros, at Consultoría de Sistemas, explained. " The task of transferring the knowledge base to webcomponents simplifies the work ahead", he added.

There are fewer possibilities of making mistakes, you save time, and the KB is easier to understand for someone who does not know it, Juan Pablo Crespi, Consultoría de Sistemas Director, said.

Moreover, Crespi declared that the use of webcomponents has provided more independence to the client, thus satisfying such existing need. Links which used to be fixed in the previous design, have been incorporated to the database in such a way that the client is now more independent to modify information related to the promotions offered in the site. The site is generated in C# ( ) and has been in production since last January 20. Concerning the new generator, de los Heros, highlighted two of the most important advantages offered by C#: easy installation of development environment and activation of production, and task simplification when the time comes for making changes. It is enough to upload the new dll. There is no need to have the site off-line in order to make changes.

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