
GeneXus accepts the challenge

Microsoft has launched a contest -of which ARTech is a sponsor- seeking for solutions based on Web Services. The aim of this contest is to stimulate the use of Visual Studio.NET beta 2, a tool distributed in Uruguay at the XII GeneXus Meeting.

Microsoft corporation and Universidad TecnolĂłgica Nacional (Argentina) challenge Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan, Chilean, and Bolivian developers to submit Web-Services solutions using beta 2 of Visual Studio.NET by next February 1st.

ARTech encourages the GeneXus community to accept the challenge, and receive the awards for Web Services solutions developed with betas of GeneXus C# generator and Visual Studio.NET.

There are three categories: professional, university student, and open (, in a contest, which is also taking place in other regions. There are awards for each category. The challenge posed for the first two categories is building a solution based on the .NET architecture with tools from Visual Studio.NET and/or Microsoft.NET Framework SDK. The challenge for the open category is building developments at a basic level, be it components, routines or services that can be integrated into an application.

The awards for first-place winners in professional and university-student categories are: a two-month internship at Microsoft Corporation (
Redmond, United States ) for 2002, with transportation and room expenses covered, plus US$ 2,000 a month. First-place winners will also receive US$ 5,000 in cash, the final version of Visual Studio.NET, a server and 5 PCs for the company at which the project-leader works, a recognition plaque, and the presentation of the solution at the MSDN Briefing show in March, next year. All awards are possible with sponsors support

Microsoft handed out 1,600 kits with beta 2 of Visual Studio:NET at the XII GeneXus International Meeting, which can also be downloaded at ( Hewlett-Packard, Endeavor, Intel, MSDN, and Microsoft B Central are also sponsoring this contest together with ARTech.

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