GeneXus Solution Partner: SE Sistemas

Décio Marcellino, Director of SE Sistemas (Argos Tecnologia em Informática Ltda) from Brazil, an ARTech Solution Partner company, presents its OEM business strategy that includes searching for partners in Latin America.

SE Sistemas (Argos Tecnologia em Informática Ltda) is an ARTech Solution Partner Brazilian company that has chosen GeneXus twice during its sixteen hears of history. The company has the ISO9001 certification since year 2000 and is in the process of implementing CMMI to be certified to level 2 in year 2006. The company has customers operating in several industrial activity fields, such as Micronal, Laticínios Morrinhos (Leitbom), Halex Istar (main whey manufacturer in Latin America) and Aeroeletrônica.

Décio Marcellino, Director of SE Sistemas, told us that the first version of the company system was written in Clipper, and that in 1993 they started using GeneXus. "In 1997 we stopped using GeneXus since we exceeded two capacities of the tool; one of them was the number of subtypes in the same attribute. Therefore, we started using Power Builder, although we continued maintaining half of our systems with GeneXus. We went back to GeneXus in year 2003, after an exhaustive market research searching for CASE tools that would give us swiftness, absence of errors and independence from languages while following the market trends

The company is currently using GeneXus 9.0 and generating Java Web while oldest programs are gradually converted, although they operate called by the same Menu and using the same database, said Marcellino. 

Systems: SE-Gestão and Argos Project
The systems developed and marketed by SE Sistemas are SE-Gestão (Business Management Integrated Systems) and Argos Project. SE-Gestão is intended for industries according to ERP/CRM philosophies and is composed of 30 modules. Argos Project is a Project Management System that was built to meet a company requirement. 

"We understand that high performance tools in systems development, such as GeneXus, should be used together with project management tools. When we started implementing CMMI in our company, we verified that we needed a tool that would make our project management operations easier. We develop this tool and we are now commercializing  it for other software houses and development teams. The product is called Argos Project and is one of our business units, explained SE Sistemas Director.
Commercialization with OEM partners
The news is that,  in January 2006, the company started offering its systems in OEM modality. According to this modality, SE Sistemas provides modules -or the entire system- to an OEM partner who, in turn, commercializes them under its own trademark, its own rules and its own responsibility.   

"We are the first Brazilian company that provides Business Management Integrated Systems under this modality. Our trademark may not be well-known among end users since our systems are commercialized by other companies with their own trademarks", announced Marcellino.
Regarding the reason for this decision, he explained that "our objective is transforming SE into a unique company. Neither the greatest one nor the first one, but the only one in what we do. We are attempting to live the prosperity cycle and it implies cooperation, risk and innovation. In our case, OEM is not just one more business modality; it is our main business modality." 

"We count on GeneXus for the generation of different systems from the same knowledge base and also to meet partners in Latin America, stated Marcellino.  As regards the generation of different systems, Patterns is integrated as a strong element in this business strategy. Besides, as long as the search for partners in other countries is concerned, he stated that "with this partnership we expect to position our systems and commercialize them through our OEM partners that will be responsible for the sale and the implementation". He also stated that the search will be initially focused on Latin America.  

A vision for the future 
We ask Marcellino to give us an idea for the future of his business and he left us speechless:  "We are a Metanoia company (*) and our actions are growingly reflecting the understanding that our business activities mean real people. Our objective is creating an ethical, fair and human company. This way of thinking has a great impact on the products we are offering, since we consider that the product itself is limited and changeable. We take advantage of technological trends according to this line of reasoning that always makes us search for what would generate our customers growth."

(*) Metanoia is the journey from the survival cycle, where most companies are still living, towards the prosperity cycle, explained Marcellino.  

SE Sistemas




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