
GeneXus Yi - AJAX: Screening in Dynamic Combos

To offer more usability and facilitate data entry in applications, the Yi version of GeneXus enhances dynamic combo data entry and yields extra flexibility.

A very frequently used control, both in applications with Web or Win interface, is the dynamic combo box that enables displaying a tables values on a list.

In many cases it is common to have a set of dynamic combo boxes where the information displayed depends directly on what the user selected in the previous combo. For example, if the user selects a country from a combo displaying country names, the following combo loads and displays the corresponding cities of that country.

Even though the previous GeneXus versions enabled emulating this situation on Web applications, it is made easier with this feature included in GeneXus Yi, and implementation costs are lowered. As from this new GeneXus version, dynamic combos in which there is a relation of direct dependency (subordination of both base tables) they will be loaded with that implicit restriction. For example, when there is a Country combo and a combo for Cities when selecting a Country the combo of cities corresponding to that country will be shown.

This new feature is not restricted to these cases, but it also enables conditioning the load in any dynamic combo, thus increasing significantly the functionality of an application be it Web or Win.

In the case of the Web applications, the technology behind this new feature is AJAX, which enables obtaining the maximum yield from Web applications.

See it at work:

For more information about GeneXus and AJAX

GeneXus Integrates AJAX: More Power and Usability
GeneXus Yi-AJAX: Web applications with Win Functionalities
GeneXus Yi Release Candidate has been released
GeneXus 9.0 Released