GXportal 90x90

GXportal 5.0 setup has been released!

In addition to SaaS mode, will also offer an on-premise version for those who want to continue using GXportal’s traditional licensing option and install the product on their own servers or hosting services.

Last year, GXportal 5.0 was released in SaaS version and soon it had more than five hundred registered websites for its free mode.

To round up the product's benefits, the GXportal 5.0 setup will be released in a few days. Customers will be able to access the product by purchasing a license and installing it on their own servers or hosting services.

The newly released setup will be available for the .Net platform with SQLServer, and it will be the first one of a series of setups that will be released for the Java platform with MySQL, Oracle, DB2 and SQLServer.

If you want to know more about what's new in 5.0 GXportal click here

If you want to know about on-premise licensing options you can see them here.

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