How to back up a GXPortal installation
To back up a GXPortal complete installation you
must save:
a. The directory where the back-end
programs are located. The default route -unless it has been changed-
is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\gxportal\gxpbackend
b. The directory where the front-end
programs are located. The default route -unless is has been changed-
is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\gxportal\gxpsites
c. The directory where the images
uploaded for the portal design are located. The default route -unless it has
been changed- is: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\gxportal\gxpfiles
d. The database. The DBMS backup feature
must be used.
How to restore a GXPortal installation
To restore GXPortal, the programs, images and databases
must be recovered. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Recover the backup of the back and
front-end programs and the images.
2. Create the virtual
directories to access the back and front-end, and the images.
3. Configure the execution permits of CGI
in the gxpapp directory, located in the back-end directory.
4. Configure the FTP server as shown in
appendix 3 of the installation manual.
5. Recover the database.
a. If the recovery is being done on the same database
server and database, the "Restore" feature of the DBMS may be used. This will
make the database go back to the state it was when the backup was carried out.
b. If the database is being recovered from another server,
follow these steps:
- Create a new database and recover the
- On this restored database, execute the following
command line from the Query Analyzer of SQLServer: select 'exec
sp_changeobjectowner ''gxportal.'+ name + ''', ''dbo''' + nchar(10) + 'GO'
from sysobjects where xtype = 'U'
- (This generates the command lines to change the owner
in all the database tables)
- Copy the result of the previous command line and paste
it in the Query Analyzer.
- Execute the command line (This changes the owner from
the gxportal user to the dbo user)
- From the database option "users," delete the gxportal
- Create a new gxportal user from the option "Security--
Logins" with the same password and assign it as owner in the restored
- Execute the following command line from the Query
Analyzer of SQLServer connected to the restored base: select 'exec
sp_changeobjectowner ''dbo.' + name + ''', ''gxportal''' + nchar(10)+ 'GO'
from sysobjects where xtype = 'U'
- Copy the result of the previous command line and paste
it in the Query Analyzer
- Execute the command line (this changes the owner from
the dbo user to the gxportal user)
6. After the database has been recovered, go to the back
and front-end directory and edit the file web.config, where the name of the name
of the database and server must be changed to the new values.
7. Request the corresponding licenses to access the
back-end again. (Done via Web in real time)
8. After getting the licenses, login into the back-end as
GXPORTAL user and go to the option "System parameters" to change the value of
the "back-end URL" to the new access route.
9. In case the ftp and image servers and the virtual
servers that grant access have been modified, they must be changed in the portal
See you at our next
GXPortal Team
GXPortal Installation Manual (PDF Document)