
ISO Gesac at Cremer's Call Center

The call center -implemented by ISO Enterprise Informática's CRM technology to meet its management needs- "has become the nervous system of the commercial operation

The telephone sales center, completely operated by Cremer, started with six operators, 30 telephone lines, and six attention terminals. The system operated with Lucent technology, and was managed through a CRM system called ISO Gesac, developed with GeneXus by ISO Enterprise.

"ISO Gesac is an extremely efficient tool for organizing the type of telemarketing sales campaign that Cremer had decided to put in place," wrote Hutt and Speh in their book "Business Marketing Management: A Strategic View of Industrial and Organizational Markets." ISO Gesac enables users to query the data bank to obtain, for instance, information about a population of dentists from Bela Vista, a neighborhood in the capital city of Sao Paulo, who spend more than 200 reais a month worth of materials.

But Cremer also had another challenge: it had to be as efficient in its new way of relating to its clients -who were used to the person-to-person interaction with distributors- as before so that there would be no doubt for them that company management had actually improved. This meant that in the second contact with a client or potential client, operators had to have access to the client's history at Cremer. They had to know when the last purchase had been made, what had been bought, the type of order, etc. "That was one of the advantages provided by the ISO Gesac system." With the client's telephone number and the incorporation of a call-screening device in the terminal, the calling client's file was displayed on the operator's screen before the call was picked up.

To make everything work perfectly, the operator had to have access to information about available stock. For this, ISO Gesac had to connect with the factory's management system (BPCS) from the call center. This was made possible through a custom development by ISO Enterprise Informática and SSA.

"The objective was to improve customer service so as to impress them, avoid conflicts generated by the system change, and look for more clients." The sophistication of the system meant a 6-to-3-minute reduction in the average attention time, and thus a productivity increase.

The call center "became the nervous system of the commercial operation, and its development reflected the company's activity growth;" the number of calls sky-rocketed from 2,850 answered by 6 operators, to 150,000 answered by 180 operators. The system started by shyly expanding net sales, on a monthly basis, which rose from R$ 133,000 in December 1999, to R$ 4 million per month, one year later.

Cremer's Challenge
ISO Enterprise Informatica