
Logistix-WMS at Cryovac Latin America - Sealed Air Corp.

Cryovac Latin America-Sealed Air Uruguay S.A. incorporated Logistix to manage its warehouses. It helped to rationalize the locations and deliveries, avoid inventory errors and reduce the time spent looking for merchandise.

SEALED AIR CORPORATION is a worldwide leader in the packaging systems market, with a turnover of more than US$ 3 billion.

CRYOVAC needed an IT solution to manage merchandise stored in multiple warehouses, lots and locations, monitoring a stock related to the company's SAP/R3 system. Logistix offered the company an integrated system 90% adapted to its needs, with more management options than expected. Logistix was developed with GeneXus 8.0 and generated with Java. Also, Cybernet's logistics know-how, background and experience made them trust the supplier.

Annette Menge, CPA, controller and responsible for CRYOVAC Uruguay logistics, started the Logistix installation project in March 2004, with minimal customization specifications. The Inventory and Warehouse Management Modules (WMS?Warehouse Management) went into production in July 2004. More specifically, on July 9th, an actual inventory was made through physical counting using Hand-Helds. The data was automatically entered into Logistix, checking the details of the product with the system information and the totals with the corporate SAP/R3 stock.

Cybernet's consultants supported CROVAC's staff in the definition of Logistix's parameterization and functional optimization. Going into production involved the migration of previous data and the codification of the warehouse layout.

"Today, when we receive imported merchandise, Logistix's WMS suggests the physical locations to store the packages with only a click, according to rules set for the different types of merchandise," explained Annette Menge.

Logistix allows defining the product location according to logical rules that cluster sets of similar products, minimize the average distance for movements, check the volume to be stored, the weight of the packages and the incompatibilities noted.

Menge pointed out that "one of the benefits of the automatic Loading Lists -for one or several merchandise orders- is to guarantee picking the oldest merchandise (FIFO), optimizing the route for the warehouse layout."

With Logistix, CRYOVAC obtained a greater visibility of the warehouse content, put in order the locations and guaranteed the consumption policy for the deliveries, therefore achieving efficiency in its inventory management.  



Cybernet certified by UNIT-ISO 9001:2000 and AENOR