smart challenge community

Still haven’t voted for your favorite Smart Device application? #GXChallenge

Visit the fan pages of applications being developed for the two versions of the Smart Challenge: University and Community. Some of them are already in beta, so vote for your favorite application and help the creators of the most popular one win prizes that include 1 iPad + 1 paid internship at Artech + 1 GeneXus kit.
This contest is rolling already! Visit the list of participating projects, vote and discover a wide new world of smart device applications developed with GeneXus.

The contest has reached its second stage and many of the participating applications have a prototype for mobile devices developed with GeneXus X Evolution 2.

In Smart Challenge University Edition you will find the fan pages of the applications being developed. They are varied solutions for tourism, transportation, public administration, health and security systems, and also for the world of music, events and services.

Likewise, the Smart Challenge Community Edition includes the participation of developers from across the Americas –towards the Community Choice Award with a Facebook profile- and from all over the world (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, China, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay and the United States) for a prize defined by Artech: the GeneXus Team Award, with solutions that go from citizen services to sports bets and more.

We invite you to visit the list of fan pages that include the projects. In some cases, there are beta versions available for downloading to the mobile device for trial.

Every day we will add news from every application on our Facebook page:

On September 7 the applications with the most Facebook "likes" will be announced and some of them will be presented at the XXI GeneXus Meeting.

Thank you all for participating and supporting the contest with your votes!
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