| | | Technical area personalization |
| (10/10/2000-00:00) |
The technical area user can now define his own profile in order to get the information that he interested in on the main page. Besides, he can save in My Favorite any link to ARTech's site by clicking only once on 'add to my favorite'. |
The technical area user can now define his own profile in order to get the information that he interested in on the main page. Besides, he can save in My Favorite any link to ARTech's site by clicking only once on 'add to my favorite'. It is also possible to store links to other sites by entering the corresponding URL. This way, no matter the PC from which the user is connected or the navigator that he uses, he will always have 'his favorite' at ARTech's site. Apart from that, ARTech's Download Center was unified and it is possible to perform searches per product to download what the user is interested in. Regarding the Client Assistance Service (SAC), which administrates the users' reports, the suggestions, etcetera, the WebSac –this system's windows to the user- started to offer the possibility of performing searches per product, among other improvements that are being incorporated in the frame of the Internet service's reformulation. You can perform searches per product or words, see the status of the reported troubles, join a SAC in order to receive future information regarding that, and send it through an e-mail, etcetera. In a near future, a direct access from each SAC to the upgrade that corrects it will be incorporated, if it were necessary. |
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