
United we stand

GeneXus user groups throughout Latin America are part of a movement with increasing momentum. They get together, they meet, they exchange. In this case, Rosario in Argentina and Monterrey and Puebla in Mexico are preparing their meetings.

A key element of the GeneXus Community is interaction. And for this nothing beats a face-to-face meeting every now and then. GeneXus Communities throughout Latin America are getting the message. Three weeks ago, GeneXus users in Montevideo got together to share experiences, but more importantly to get to know each other (more here).

The Community of Rosario, Argentina is going in the same direction. Even though the year is coming to an end, the wish to get to know each other, exchange ideas and opinions and make proposals is not getting a break. The idea is mainly to talk about the present and future of GeneXus as a tool and about its development in Rosario and its area of influence.

The date is Tuesday, December 19th at 6:00 pm in Barrancas Dorrego (Dorrego and Costanera) and even though - because this is the first users’ meeting in Rosario – there won’t be seminars or conferences, attendees will propose their topics of interest for the next one. ARTech could not stay away from this movement and as a sample of the Community’s support, there will be a raffle among the attendees of an issue of the first GeneXus book : GeneXus – Knowledge Based Development, by Professor Daniel Márquez Lisboa.

To participate in the meeting, please confirm to: There are already over 30 people confirmed for the meeting so there are no questions about the commitment and the willingness of the GeneXus community in Rosario.

México is not staying behind. Because the Monterrey Community thinks this is a good time to get organized as a community, get to know each other, exchange experiences and plan more technical and formal events for 2007, they have decided to get together on Saturday, December 16th.  The idea is to organize groups to offer GeneXus based workshops, where the users’ achievements and their main interests will be presented.

The appointment this time is at Café 13 Lunas, in the Barrio Antiguo; an area with good parking space and connection. To make suggestions, comments and confirm your attendance, e-mail

Similarly, the Puebla Community is getting together. The place this time is NUBA, located at Calzada Zavaleta 1302 L6.  The meeting will start on January 20, at 5:00 pm, and it will be the first of many to be held by the GeneXus Community of Puebla. To confirm your attendance, please e-mail

A link to keep, check out and learn about the purpose and the news of the user groups is this one:

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