
Web Services: A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem

Montevideo COMM provides Web Services to integrate applications between companies as well as internal applications. It also uses Web Services to publish information in its Portal

Montevideo COMM portal launched an on-line store in November 2003 to sell products and services. Several forms of payment are accepted, including cash payment in Uruguay through Abitab payment offices. Customers who choose the cash option may go to any Abitab office. The Abitab office will consult the Web Service provided by Montevideo COMM to receive information about the sale. Once the payment has been made, the information is sent to Montevideo COMM via Web Services. The delivery of the product or service to the client is then triggered.

These GeneXus-developed Web Services connect the Montevideo COMM e-commerce system -developed with GeneXus 8.0 using the C/SQL generator and GeneXus .NET- with the Abitab payment system -developed in Java with WebSphere.

"To communicate two independent systems one needs to do it manually, develop a specific interface, or use Web Services," explained VĂ­ctor Villar of Montevideo COMM. "In Web Services, everything has already been defined. Development is faster and you just need to concentrate on the information to transfer, not on how to transfer it," said Villar.

The e-commerce system, developed with GeneXus 8.0 in Montevideo COMM, is also used by Tata stores in Uruguay, with almost 10,000 articles on-line, distributed through 30 subsidiaries of the company in the country. Unlike other purchase systems, this system manages products and stock by destiny. That is, it checks if the subsidiary closest to the place of the purchase has the product available.

In addition to using Web Services for the integration of applications between companies, Montevideo COMM also selected this solution to integrate internal systems. The system that manages the products sold through the portal is independent from the one that manages the sale of the services in the on-line store. The communication between them is also achieved through Web Services.

"We believe Web Services are a good solution. Interfaces are a necessary evil and we have already tried other solutions. It's a simple solution to a complex problem, and it works.

On the other hand, it's possible because we're connected," said Cecilia Poittevin of Montevideo COMM.

The portal Montevideo COMM also publishes information of the stock market movements that consumes a Web Service offered by Paullier on line.


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