XXGX: Do you want to be a speaker? |
| (05/07/2010-16:09) |
Submit your profile and topic to speak at the Meeting. Now you also have the option to include your own video in your proposal submission. |
This year, the main topics will revolve around the release of GeneXus X Evolution 2, and Artech's team will discuss the GeneXus technologies that continuously evolve in the changing world of ICTs. In addition, the technical talks, workshops and labs will be complemented with more tracks related to business and the development of professional skills. To submit a session proposal for the XX GeneXus Meeting, complete the form below. In addition to conventional registration, we offer a new field where you can enter the URL of your own video. The process is very simple and as a basic requirement you need to follow these guidelines: - Introduce yourself: name, position, name of the company that you work for and its main activities
- Introduce your session: title, content and main topics
- Define the target audience of your session and why it is important for them
- Once you have uploaded it to the Web, add the URL to the proposal submission form.