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ZetaCuentas migrated to GeneXus X Evolution 1

ZetaCuentas currently has thousands of users that do their own online financial control, both from their computers and from mobile devices.
Zetasoftware migrated to Evolution its free, online personal accounting tool suited for all who need to efficiently manage and analyze their personal financial matters.

Part of this is a new interface with new controls like Google Feed, Gxui (Toolbar), InNewWindow, GXScheduler and an enhanced QueryViewer; all of which add to the Advanced DataGrid, Captcha, Fusion Charts, HoverPanel, and many others that the application was already resorting to.

Google Feed was one of the controls most appropriate for being included in the application “since it allows ZetaCuentas users to automatically see the latest news entered in our blog upon initiating the accounting session”, assured Mario Celano, who pointed out that this is an excellent way of communicating.  

In what concerns the possibilities that Celano finds in the new version, he says that “they are growing in number and what’s important in this sense is to know how to keep a balance between what’s powerful and what’s simple”.

In line with this, Zetasoftware is currently working on migrating its main product for SMEs - ZetaLibra Online – to GeneXus X Evolution 1. 

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